Monday, October 27, 2008

Uhm, isn't this what they mean by the fox guarding the hen house?

Some animal welfare organizations claim victory when they pressure companies like McDonald's into agreeing to adhere to animal welfare guidelines.  They herald the victory with big, splashy mailers accompanied by solicitations for money to help them keep fighting the good fight.  The animal welfare guidelines they pressure companies into complying with are obviously set by well-respected animal advocacy organizations that have the animals' best interest at heart, right?  Let's see.  How about Jack-in-the-Box restaurants.  They say on their website:
Animal welfare guidelines and protocol for pork and beef suppliers established by the National Pork Board and the American Meat Institute.

Animal welfare guidelines and protocol for the poultry industry established by the National Chicken Council, the National Turkey Federation and the United Egg Producers.

Animal welfare guidelines and protocol for dairy cattle established by the International Dairy Foods Association and the National Milk Producers Federation.
The only groups missing from this honor roll of animal advocacy organizations are the Association of Malfunctioning Throat Cutting Machines, the Institute of Sadistic Factory Farm Workers who Shove Still-living Hogs in Boiling Water for Pleasure and the Federation of Captive Bolt Stunners.

It's good to know that the National Milk Producers, the International Dairy Foods Association, the United Egg Producers, the National Turkey Federation, the National Chicken Council, the National Pork Board and the American Meat Institute are out there on the front lines, fighting to protect animals from the savagery of factory farms.  How can I contribute money to the cause?