Sunday, March 22, 2009

Taking a lunch break from saving the planet

-- Welcome to Taco Bell.  Can I take your order?
-- Yeah, leafleting for the environment all day sure gives you a big appetite.  Can I have two Burrito Supremes?  Oh, and you get extra meat for 49 cents, right?
-- Yup.
-- Cool.  By the way, I know you're not the decision maker, but I see the menu board uses really bright lights.  If you used fluorescent lights instead, you'd reduce energy consumption.
-- You say you were leafleting for the environment?
-- Yeah, trying to fight all these lying hypocrites who deny their actions are causing global warming.
-- You know, meat consumption is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse emissions.
-- That's a bunch of crap!
-- Even more than automobiles and airplanes combined.
-- It's a lie!  I deny it!
-- According to a UN report, if people stopped eating meat...
-- What?  I can't hear you.  Your microphone's breaking up.
-- I said if people stopped eating meat, greenhouse emissions would be significantly reduced.
-- Sorry, dude, still can't hear you, music's too loud.  This band rocks.  The bass player has a green bass to support the cause.
-- Okay, so your order is two beef burritos with extra meat.  Please pull up to the window.
-- Look, dude, suppose what you say is true.  Here's the thing.  Say it takes me half an hour to eat my ham and eggs for breakfast.  Then say a half hour for lunch and an hour for dinner.  That's only two hours of eating meat.  Which means the other 22 hours of the day I'm fighting for the environment.  How many people are that committed to their cause?  But I'm happy to do it.  It's my duty.  The future of our planet's at stake ... Mmm, speaking of steak, could you throw in one of those steak tacos?
-- Two beef burritos, extra beef, and one steak taco.
-- Hey, I got a box of "End Global Warming Now" bumperstickers in the back of my Prius.  Want one?
-- Maybe you could get one that says, "End global warming not now but right after I finish eating my beef burritos."
-- Damn, I almost forgot.  I'm going to a global warming meet-up to talk about ways we can reduce our carbon footprints and the folks there will be famished.  Can you give me a dozen more beef burritos, extra beef?
-- You got it.  Please pull up to the window.